
With a lot of benchwork, trackwork, wiring and debugging over the past year, and add to that setting up for ops, we turned our attention to some scenery.  There is something about getting even a little scenery done that adds a wonderful finishing look to the layout.

Nancy is, of course, the scenery master extraordinaire.  Here are a few pix of recent progress.


Rockwork in progress at Wren Canyon
Foreground being planned.  It generally does not end up as expected, so some adjusting is necessary.
Looking good!

Also starting to fill in the deck transition area around Coyote.  Special thanks to Dave Cochrun for his tips on using rosin paper.  This works great to get a general form in place and to protect the layout below.  Much less mess than the plaster over forms approach!

Basic form in place... and ready to get to rock castings.


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