Adding Sound to a Bachmann 44-Tonner
Work and family obligations have limited time on the layout. But a few things are getting done including this sound install project. I have always had a soft spot for "critters," and the GE 44-tonner is no exception. Bachmann offers a great and fairly priced model of one, and I have one stationed at an industry on my layout. But it is silent, and was the only loco on the layout without sound. Something HAD to be done! So I found a good deal on a TSU2-1100 (TSU-2) decoder and was off on a sound install project. Follow along for some tips. Two screws on the bottom allow the shell to just slip off. Mine was a bit sticky, so needed to gently pull to release. Once inside, I ripped out ALL of the existing electronics and lighting. I retained the plastic spacer. This will keep wiring out of the drive. This is what the loco looks like after an electronic-ectomy. LEDs stayed behind, but that's it. I struggled with t...