Mesa City Comes Back To Life....
Mesa City used to connect the layout across the western wall of the room. The western wall was, as you may recall, removed to make room for the expansion. It was ruthlessly demolished... and much sadness ensued. ( ) It was one of the nicest areas of scenery, as well as a wonderful switching opportunity. So I kind of put Mesa City out of my mind as a pleasant and yet sad story. Fast forward about two and a half years and I realized a fatal flaw in my track plan. Mesa City was not only a great place to watch and switch trains, it was also the place for handling coal cars for the generating station as well as turning commute engines. Something had to be done! Surveying the area, it turns out there WAS enough space for a wye and maybe a lead for switching. Grabbing a couple pieces of plywood which, ironically, were from the s...